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Sexual and Gender-Based Misconduct
Resources and Information

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2020 Title IX Regulations: Resources and Updates

On May 6, 2020, the Department of Education announced new Title IX regulations,美国所有的学院和大学都必须遵守 August 14, 2020. 这一要求是在商务部提出这些规定之后提出的 for public review on November 16, 2018. Skidmore responded to this posting in two formal letters: one as a member of the New York Six Consortium and another as one of 24 private, liberal arts colleges and universities. Additionally, this message was sent to the community on May 20, 2020.

火博体育学院仍然坚定地致力于打击性和基于性别的努力 不当行为,支持这些行为的受害者和幸存者,保护我们的社区 through a fair and unbiased hearing process. 火博体育学院禁止一切形式的性歧视和性别歧视,包括 性侵犯,性骚扰,亲密伴侣暴力,以及跟踪.

由于学院正在努力完成推荐并在8月14日截止日期前完成, 以下是一些相关的主题,更新和常见问题解答,但如果您有任何问题或疑问 如对新规有任何意见或反馈,请联系 Title IX Coordinator Joel Aure at

虽然在新的第九条法规下有许多要求,但这里有 some of the most significant ones:

  • 申诉程序必须包括现场听证会,并允许顾问进行交叉询问 parties and witnesses.
  • 如果一方负担不起或无法独立获得为此目的而选择的顾问 of cross-examining, the institution must provide one.
  • 这些申诉程序要求现在必须适用于教职员工,尽管集体 bargaining agreement, shared governance, or conflicting state laws.
  • 第九条规定的所有申诉程序必须使用相同的证据标准 regardless of whether the parties are students, faculty, or staff.
  • 在调查过程中收集的所有证据必须与所有有关各方共享 不论证据是否无关或是否会被审裁官考虑 or “decision-makers.”
  • Parties must be allowed to appeal on equal grounds.
  • 对于性骚扰的构成有一个更狭义的定义 由最高法院确定的定义以及较窄的地理管辖权 for Title IX.
  • 高等教育机构收到正式通知的时间标准 现在只有在第九条协调员被告知性骚扰行为的情况下.
  • 当一个非正式的决议程序,例如 mediation, could be utilized.
  • 政策必须正式纳入语言,不能假定 除非有裁定,否则答辩人应对指控负责.
  • 裁决者或“决策者”不能是第九条协调员或调查员.
  • 不符合性定义的涉嫌性行为和基于性别的不当行为 根据第九章规定,最终规定的骚扰必须被“驳回”,但可以 addressed under a non-Title IX policy (ie. code of conduct, Title VII/Anti-Harassment Policy, etc.).
  • 所有相关的培训材料必须通过学院的网站提供给公众 website.

如欲了解更多有关其他新规定的信息或自行阅读规定, please visit the Department of Education’s website.


教育部要求所有的学院和大学遵守这一规定 these new regulations as August 14, 2020. Over the month of June, there will be opportunities 以及为学生、教职员工和社区成员提供的项目 ask questions and provide comments and feedback. In the meantime, comments and feedback can be sent to Title IX Coordinator Joel Aure at

Student Information Sessions:

  • Tuesday, June 23 at 7:00 p.m.
  • Wednesday, June 24 at 1:00 p.m.

Faculty Information Sessions:

  • Tuesday, June 23 from 1:30-2:30 p.m.
  • Wednesday, June 24 from 10-11 a.m.

Staff Information Sessions:

  • Tuesday, June 30 at 1:00 p.m.
  • Wednesday, July 2 at 2:00 p.m.

More programs and sessions will be announced soon!


答:根据新规定,报道的事件必须被“驳回” a Title IX policy. However, this means that the report would then be referred and 根据现有的非第九条政策,如学生行为准则/现行政策解决 SGBM Policy or the Anti-Harassment Policies for Faculty and Staff.

This includes acts of SGBM in the virtual environment. Regardless of the policy that 申请SGBM的报告,学生将获得并确保获得他们的 选择,权利和资源(包括支持措施),因为他们认为他们的 path moving forward.


A: No. No one will be forced to participate in this process. If a Complainant decides 前来获取资源和支持,但不确定他们是否想要申请 正式投诉,第九条协调员将审查他们的选择和权利 but still help them access the necessary resources and support.

答:是的,个人可以在不提交申请的情况下寻求支持措施 a Formal Complaint. However, if information reported requires the College to investigate 此事的安全和保护我们的社区按照联邦 and state laws, then the College will do so. Once again, no one will be forced to participate in the process.

A: No. 双方仍然可以根据理解选择他们自己选择的顾问 在听证会上,每一方当事人都有权让自己的顾问进行质证 of any other party or witness.

A: No. 如果您提交正式投诉,所举报的指控将决定是否 the Title IX process has jurisdiction and must be utilized.

答:不幸的是,目前学院无法提供成绩单或录音 of the information sessions. However, the PowerPoint can be accessed on the Title IX Updates page. 你也可以联系学生事务助理院长 Success, Lorri Riggs (, to discuss the presentation.

A: Yes. 这些规定具有法律效力,这意味着联邦政府 政府可以也会对不合规的机构采取行动. Institutions must implement the required changes by August 14, 2020.

A: No. 有匿名报告义务的雇员和学生,例如 受害者倡导者和同伴健康教育者(phe)将以匿名的方式继续他们的工作 resources. 匿名资源只需要转发非标识信息 to the Title IX Coordinator (e.g., date, time, location) when they receive a report of SGBM.

答:Skidmore和SSPD之间的关系不会因新规定而改变. 当第九条或非第九条的性别歧视案件与执法调查同时发生时, 两个实体的官员将进行沟通,以确保各自的程序 在他们的法律范围内工作,并尊重投诉人的决定 move forward.

A: The U.S. 教育部(ED)要求所有高等教育机构 to implement a live hearing process with cross-examination. This provision is grounded 在行政部门对正当程序的重视以及对基本原则的解释中 fairness.

答:各方可以在整个报告过程中与他们选择的顾问(AoC)合作。 investigation, and adjudication process. Each party is required to have an AoC to 在现场听证期间,代表当事人进行质证. While Skidmore 无法控制一方选择谁作为其AoC, Skidmore将向各方提供AoC that do not have one. AoCs provided by the College will have received training and 在创伤知情实践中表现出的能力,有效和适当的提问, and institutional policies and processes.

答:新规定要求有关投诉人的问题和证据 性倾向和性行为被自动认为是无关的,而且 thus cannot be used during the investigation and adjudication process. However, the 条例对这一规定规定了两种可能被认为有关的例外情况:

  1. 提供有关投诉人先前性行为的问题和证据 to prove that someone other than the respondent committed the conduct;
  2. 与投诉人以前的具体事件有关的问题和证据 性行为方面,并提供同意证明.

答:没有人会被强迫参与任何部分的报道、调查、 or adjudication process. However, the new regulations require that if a party or witness 在聆讯现场不接受质证的裁判小组成员 在确定责任时,不能依赖该人的任何陈述. 在这种情况下,裁判小组成员不能得出责任认定 仅仅因为当事人缺席现场听证或者拒绝回答质证 or other questions.

答:根据新的第九条政策和非第九条的SGBM政策进行制裁 function similarly. Both processes will include a range of possible sanctions and 之后会不会有机会让当事人对判决结果提出上诉.

A:我们知道在陈述中使用法律语言并不容易 易于理解,并对因其包含而产生的任何混乱或挑战表示歉意 in the information session content. It was included to capture how the ED is framing 新的要求,并引入可能包括在学院的术语 new policies and processes. There are numerous online resources that break down the general changes to Title IX, including summaries from SUNY Student Conduct Institute, American Council on Education, and National Association of Independent Colleges and Universities.

我们还会创建并发布针对火博体育政策的额外资源 以及帮助学生理解这些变化及其实际意义的过程. 火博体育新规定对学生影响的面对面讨论,第九条代表 学生事务协调员每周将进行虚拟开放办公时间, beginning the week of July 20, 2020. Please check your inbox for the Zoom link.

答:在引导安全和健康的同时,实施必要的第九条改革 火博体育2019冠状病毒病大流行和黑人生命运动,提出了 这是一个重塑和改善火博体育社区的宝贵机会 参与保护和支持受SGBM影响的成员 as well as preventing SGBM from occurring at all. Currently, members of the Title 第九工作组正在开发点对点同意培训,将达到 学生人数较多,不仅学生需要接受这样的培训. The 工作组还将成立一个以学生为中心的委员会,专注于交叉领域 of social justice and Title IX. As the College’s Title IX and SGBM policies are finalized, 工作组将确定进一步开展教育和参与的机会 students on the prevention of and response to SGBM.
