

by 凯蒂Rocque 

是什么造就了年度 肯尼斯一个. Freirich创业大赛 such a rewarding experience for Skidmore’s passionate student entrepreneurs each 一年?  

Is it the invaluable mentorship fostered among students, staff, and alumni mentors, who bring real-world feedback and insight to the “Shark Tank”-like competition? 也许 it’s the thrill of anticipating who will be awarded cash prizes that will help take 学生的想法更上一层楼? 或者是成为令人兴奋的火博体育的一部分 这一传统已经延续了15年?  

The answer has to do with all of the above and more: Skidmore is a place where 创造力、创新和创业精神 are celebrated; where a supportive community including past competition winners, alumni mentors, classmates, faculty and staff, parents, and judges from successful enterprises come together to cheer on students and ensure that student projects shine.  

That talent and creativity went on full display at this 一年’s competition finals 4月12日举行.  

From clothing lines with social and environmental impacts, to apps that make trip 计划或听喜欢的音乐更容易,所有 8个商业计划 that qualified for the 2024 finals worked to find creative, entrepreneurial solutions 解决具有挑战性的问题,同时也使世界变得不同.  

获胜者是 ... 

Malika Sawadogo ' 24赢得2024年肯尼斯A后庆祝. Freirich创业大赛.

Malika Sawadogo ' 24赢得2024年肯尼斯A后庆祝. Freirich创业 竞争.


Malika Sawadogo ’24 captivated the audience with her showcase of quality, affordable 服装的灵感来自她的祖国布基纳法索的美丽. 她的演讲不是 only highlighted the thoughtfully sourced fabrics from her hometown but also featured 一场充满活力的时装秀,展示了该系列的男装和女装.  

MESTH’s unique clothing and bags not only exude beauty but also serve a greater purpose 支持这个启发了时尚品牌的社区. 带着给予的承诺 back, 5% of proceeds will be directed toward aiding widows and orphans in Sawadogo’s 布基纳法索的祖国. 展望未来,她设想建立一个基金会 这将为社区提供更多的支持. 

Here's a buyer's secret: Sawadogo aims to offer consumers a sense of individuality 通过她有限的设计品牌方法. 通过选择一件MESTH作品,不仅会 you adorn yourself with a handmade, traditional African design, but you'll also own 一种真正独一无二的风格. 

首屈一指的 ... 

瑞平加法官,24岁, 谁得了第二名, 介绍了他对Quatam的商业计划, 这是一款南非的小巴出租车拼车应用.

瑞平加法官,24岁, 谁得了第二名, 介绍了他对Quatam的商业计划, a ride-sharing 南非的小巴出租车应用程序.


Quatam is a ride-sharing app with a mission to revolutionize public transportation 在南非的努力. 根据它的创始人,24岁的瑞平加法官的说法 70% of South Africans face challenges, such as long waits, associated with the minibus 出租车,这个国家的主要交通工具. Quatam允许乘客准确地 locate a seat on the nearest minibus while optimizing routes for drivers to ensure 高效的皮卡. 

Ripinga是该组织的成员 非洲领导学院,which seeks to transform young leaders into the next generation of entrepreneurs.  

第三题时间到了 ... 

26岁的Azizul Hakim(左), 菲克·塔德斯26岁(中), 雅各布·克里斯25分(在塔迪斯后面), 和Casey Rueda ' 24(右), 谁得了第三名?, 展示他们的商业计划.

26岁的Azizul Hakim(左), 菲克·塔德斯26岁(中), 雅各布·克里斯25分(在塔迪斯后面), 和Casey Rueda ' 24(右), 谁得了第三名?, 展示他们的商业计划.


College students understand the time crunch as well as anyone, and QuickThought  provides 一个解决方案. 26岁的Azizul Hakim, 24岁的Casey Rueda, 26岁的Fiker Tadesse和Jacob Kriss ’25 developed the schedule-syncing application to help people optimize free time and 改善小组规划工作. 

The third-place winner is a faster, simpler, and personalized platform that not only helps find and coordinate time, but also integrates multiple calendars into one place and offers suggestions on how to spend free time based on an individual’s energy level, 社交电池和预算. 

火博体育的创业精神 ... 

Skidmore’s liberal arts curriculum encourages students to think outside of the box and consider how they might connect the dots among seemingly disparate concepts and 的想法. Students are encouraged to think through how they can solve problems creatively, improve their communities, and use entrepreneurial approaches to pressing issues.  

“成为一名企业家就是体现文科. Freirich是一个商业计划 competition, but also a larger constellation of entrepreneurial experiences ... At Skidmore, we want all our students to hone creative, innovative, and entrepreneurial 总裁Marc C. 康纳说,并指出比赛对学生开放 来自所有专业.  “在这里,你可以成为一名艺术家、科学家、法语或舞蹈专业的学生... 一个企业家.” 

商业计划书奖金 ...  

The Freirich 竞争 isn’t the only place where Skidmore students have put their 最近展示的创业人才.

In the weeks leading up to Freirich, a student team presented their business plan, FarmHub纽约他参加了纽约州商业计划竞赛. 结果是:第二名 并在四月底晋级决赛. 由Sophie创立 Sacco ’24 and business partner Noa Berger ’24, FarmHub纽约 was created with a mission 将消费者与当地小农联系起来.  


U.S.+海岸警卫队+ Cmdr.+Michael+Cavanagh+%E2%80%9903+brings+creative+thought+to+his+service+to+his+country+and+fellow+citizens+through+search+and+rescue.
U.S. 海岸警卫队指挥官. Michael Cavanagh ’03 brings creative thought to his service to his country and fellow citizens through search and rescue.

+学院+总统+ +城市+准备+标志
The College is joining 60 other college presidents of diverse institutions from across the country to advance higher education’s pivotal role in preparing students to be engaged citizens and to uphold free expression on campus.

The Skidmore 机会计划’s director discusses how OP listens to students' needs and helps them grow and thrive.