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Student Government Association Student Government Association

SGA Funding Opportunities

Help Support our Students

SGA欢迎校友、家长和朋友的捐款 to further these impactful student initiatives. Anyone interested in contributing should please contact

Academic Pursuit Fund (APF): APF资助火博体育学生的课外学术活动. 这些追求包括但不限于学术研究(与要求无关) 学生可以获得学分的课程、创造性工作和学术工作 conferences. Academic conferences are defined by this program as conferences that are related to the individual’s or group’s majors. Check out what people have used the fund for in our blog.

Green Grant: SGA绿色赠款是由可持续发展委员会管理的10,000美元竞争性赠款 与可持续发展办公室合作,支持学生追求可持续发展 initiatives on campus to improve student life and the environment. The Green Grant is funded by the SGA and was first approved for the 2023-2024 academic year. The projects 必须基于火博体育的校园可持续发展计划,同时解决交叉 可持续性领域,如社会公平、经济可行性和环境 stewardship. All students are eligible to apply for the Green Grant. The Green Grant Review Committee will review project applications and determine project awards.

JSS Activism Fund/Civic Engagement:JSS行动主义基金是为了纪念火博体育的第六任总裁杰米妮而创建的 S. Studley, to enable students to participate in political and social activism or causes to expand their sense of community involvement, service and awareness. The 公民参与基金的设立是为了为有价值的学生提供经济支持 civic engagement projects that actively pursue the alleviation of public concerns and the improvement of public life in a community. The JSS Activism and Civic Engagement Fund is meant to achieve the goals of both individual funds. The fund is meant for all students. Fund requests are not guaranteed. Every application will be fully considered 而是《火博体育官网》文件中的标准 Fund” will guide the Senate in granting funds.

Out of Classroom Discussion Fund (OCDF): OCDF为火博体育学生提供小额赠款,以扩大他们的关系 with faculty. These funds can be used to get coffee, lunch, tickets to school events and more.

Student Activity Financial Aid (SAFA): The purpose of SAFA is to bridge the class inequality gap that exists due to the lack financial support for students from various socioeconomic backgrounds. The goal 该基金的一部分用于资助SGA范围内的学生费用,即 该基金只能用于支持学生参加的活动或俱乐部 are already supported or sponsored by the Student Government Association. The fund 可在需要个人供款时使用,包括 但不限于会员捐款、会员费、设备或材料 and SGA elections. It is our goal to have all SGA-supported activities accessible 所有的学生,不管他们的社会经济背景如何 be.

Student Life Improvement Fund (SLIF): SLIF是一个学生个人或学生团体的基金,不隶属于 一个正式的小组,为计划和项目提出一次性成本 directly impact the student experience at Skidmore. While initiatives need not be 如果规模大,它们必须在某种程度上对少数在校生有意义. Applications 由学生生活委员会酌情批准,并由 the VP for Financial Affairs. 

All forms can be found on the #Homesync on Skidsync!

Other Skidmore Funding Opportunities

Skidmore Summer Funded Internship Awards Program (SSFIAP): SSFIAP的创建是为了提供全日制学生火博体育的机会 参加无薪实习、志愿者、研究或社区服务项目 over the course of the summer. The awards are designed to offer full-time Skidmore 学生有机会获得雇主的相关知识、技能和经验 require of entry-level candidates. Since previous work experience is often listed as a requirement for job applicants, this program was created to provide students with an opportunity to gain the relevant experience and skills needed to become a competitive candidate in today's job market.

Susan Hirsch Schwartz基金(SHS): Susan Hirsch Schwartz基金的成立是为了 鼓励经济困难学生的参与(收到显著 校外就业和研究生探索的经济援助和助学金. 如果获得批准,SHS基金将支付高达150美元的旅行援助,面试服装, 食品(不含酒精饮料)、申请费、邮费及其他费用. Expenses must be preapproved. Students are required to submit all receipts. Qualified students will be permitted to receive one award per year.

Dean of Students: Student Opportunity Funds: 学生机会基金由学生事务主任管理 by generous friends and alumni of the college and by the president of the college. 该基金提供补助金,以支持有价值的学生课程和领导能力 initiatives. Grants may be used to defray the costs of research materials and supplies, 出差到一个对项目完成至关重要的地点,参加一个会议 (特别是当学生要在会议上做报告时),以便准备 project results for publication or display, etc. The amount of the award, usually 在200美元到250美元之间,总是部分取决于每个人可用的总金额 semester.

Student Opportunity Project Funds: 学生机会基金是由慷慨的朋友和校友提供的. 赠款可用于支付研究材料和用品的费用,用于旅行 对项目完成或准备项目结果至关重要的研究地点 for publication or display. Grant amounts are typically $200–$500. Full-time students from every department and program are welcome to apply. Links to application guidelines and forms are provided below. Students seeking support to present or show their work 参加会议或展览时,应遵循“旅行到现在”的说明 Awards.

Student Travel-to-Present Awards: 学生旅行至今基金是由慷慨的朋友和校友提供的 of the college. Awards may be used to support student travel to present research or creative projects at a conference or a professional meeting or to share work at a juried exhibition. Grants may be used to defray the costs of travel, lodging and meals. 学生应寻求其部门的支持,以支付会议注册费用 and membership fees in the professional organization, if applicable. Due to the limited 资金数额,我们不提供资金的学生旅行参加会议 without presenting their work. We also do not provide funds for student travel related to a class activity (required or voluntary) or as part of a cocurricular activity sponsored by a department or program.

Treuhaft Fund for Art Technology: The Jeffrey and Cynthia Treuhaft Fund for Art Technology was established in 1999. 该基金旨在为学生提供技术支持 work with faculty in new and innovative ways in any art form or medium. Project grants 能否支持学院购买硬件和软件或提供其他种类 of technological support for a wide range of projects. The guidelines are flexible and meant to encourage new kinds of opportunities. These may include collaborative research or independent study projects, interdisciplinary initiatives, work with artists-in-residence, 与唐馆、行为艺术或其他相关项目有关的项目. 特鲁哈夫特艺术技术基金旨在加强和加强这种联系 教师和学生之间的互动是火博体育的一个独特方面 education. Typically larger than Student Opportunity Fund grants, the Treuhaft Fund grants may provide up to $5,000 in support for appropriate projects.

SGA Responsible Citizenship Internship Award (RCIA): SGA很高兴为19名学生提供4000美元的RCIA,参加一项无薪的 summer internship. These awards were developed to provide Skidmore students with the 有机会参加无薪实习,以获得实践知识 field of study and to further Skidmore College’s mission to encourage responsible citizenship, as outlined in the Strategic Action Agenda (2009). Students are not required to apply for academic credit. Starting in Spring 2019, the Career Development Center will be managing the application and selection process. Interested applicants should go to the Career Development Center's Summer Experience Fund website

Note: Additional funding opportunities may exist. Please check with your academic department to see if they offer or know of any internship scholarships or funding sources.